Friday, October 13, 2006

So, I just finished a tournament. Meh, didn't do that well. pretty card dead. The one time i picked upa real hand (K,K) the guy who called my all in also had Kings. So, we split the pot and i didn't really get any richer. Then, shortstacked i picked up AK and moved in. Was called by pocket 6's and i didn't improve. So goes poker, and so goes life.

Now, that i got my update out of the way i want to rant a little bit about the legislation that was just signed into law by president Bush today. I can't believe that thsi type of underhanded crap can pass. No one read, and no one cared. The law that was passed overall had nothing to do with Poker or online gaming, it had to do with Port security and they snuck it in. It's the biggest joke i've ever heard of. Needless to say i'm not that worried about it, just annoyed at how our government works. Oh well i guess, at least is still letting us play and aren't shutting us out like so many other sites. I feel bad for all the players who have money in those accounts though (thank god i don't). It's going to be an absolute hassle for them to get their funds. >.<


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